By James Robinson Cooper
Each morning the Egyptians would wake their deities, bathe them, clothe them, feed them, worship and sing songs of devotion to them, each city had its own prominent deity upon which the prosperity of that city depended.
The creation story of the Sumerians begins from the primal waters, the creation story of the Egyptians begins from the primal waters and the creation story of Vedic India begins from the causal ocean. The Egyptians also have a lotus which springs forth from the primal waters upon which the God Ra is born whilst the Vedas speak of a lotus emerging from a causal ocean upon which Lord Brahma was born.
The Egyptians had a social structure comprising of four orders of society, the Sumerians had a social structure comprising 3 orders of society and Vedic India had a social structure comprising the four orders of society. The middle east was built around these three main influences who basically shared the same world view expressed through their social and spiritual practices.
They all accepted the eternality of the soul, demigods and an eternal spiritual realm from which everything came. The name for Egypt according to Egyptian hieroglyphics was MR which is Meru, the name for the pyramids according to Egyptian hieroglyphics was MR which is Meru and the name for mountain according to Egyptian hieroglyphics was MR which is Meru.
The Sumerians are themselves named after this same Meru, their name means great mountain, Su is Sanskrit for great and Meru means mountain. Vedic India is the source of these names as its within the Vedic scriptures that we find the description of this cosmic axial mountain known as Mount Sumeru, the abode of the Gods, an abode which we find symbolised throughout the world in different traditions with names such as Asgard and Olympus.
Mainstream academia however cannot connect these dots, even though a child can spot the similarities and recognise the thread which runs throughout these three prominent influences of the middle east. The further we go back in time the more Vedic the middle east becomes and the more we travel forward in time the more the Vedic influences diminish to be replaced by the Greeks, Mongolians and eventually Semetic religions.